30 Panda Gifts For People Who Love Pandas
A list of the best panda themed gift ideas for people who adore pandas. This gift guide will help you find the perfect gift.
What’s black and white, resembles a teddy bear and sleeps all day long?
Pandas have more fans than Taylor Swift and Jesus Christ combined. I’m exaggerating a bit, but they do have millions of little lovers around the world who keep asking Santa for pet pandas. Adolescent girls and overgrown babies love them the most.
Despite the fact that pandas eat and sleep all day long (And also drop gigantic turds), people can’t have enough of these overrated creatures. I guess you love what you love and so, if you want to find the perfect gift for a panda loving human, you’ll find the best ones here, about everything except a real life panda. China won’t allow you to import one. Which is sad. You can scroll down to find the next best thing though.
Following is a list of some awesome gift ideas you can give to someone who loves Pandas. There are gifts for recipients of all ages and genders.
Panda Themed Necklace
Jewelry is the most common gift people give to their romantic partners. This tradition has been around for centuries. Women love getting jewelry gifted to them as long as it suits their style.
Something like this panda pendant necklace goes with almost anything. It’s simple, minimalistic and looks decent. You can also get their initials engraved on it to make it more personalized.
Panda Coffee Mug
What panda lover wouldn’t want to see this when making a cup of coffee early in the morning? There is no better way (Not considering sex and such kind of fun) to start the day.
Printed coffee mugs are out of fashion now and have been since the industrial age. A creative one like this one is always appreciated. It’s cute and has style. You panda loving recipient will adore the panda dump out of this.
Panda Feelings Sweatshirt
Even though they may spend most of their panda time snoozing, they, like us, have feelings. Fat shame a baby panda in front of his mother and you’ll see. For those who adore this creature this sweatshirt design is a great way to relate and make others relate to those panda feelings.
The design is minimalistic and attractive. Making it a likable gift for any panda lover. I mean, who couldn’t use a cute panda feeling t-shirt for charming purposes? You can gift this to anyone who wears clothes.
Panda Backpack
Drawstring backpacks are handy and stylish. A design like this will impress anyone who thinks pandas are cute. Things like these make safe gifts because there’s a good chance that your recipient will use it someday.
The color design on this bag is attractive and anyone with a decent fashion sense will like it. This one is ideal for students, especially those who like the lazy, furry, black and white bears.
Panda Piggy Bank
Humans use diverse forms of means to express their creativity. Some paint, some write, some invent computers and some find ways to make piggy banks interesting.Think about how much money one will end up saving up just to see this panda come out like a gold digging trophy wife and grab their money.
Once they realize the treasure they’ve amassed, they’ll call you and thank you and maybe even gift you a BMW. Lotteries are for losers. Be smart. Give this to enough recipients and you will end up rich.
Panda Phone Purse
Women need accessories for everything. Some guys take advantage of this fact and make millions of inventions meant for female consumers. There is a never ending demand for such products. I bet the guy who invented the selfie stick made millions on his creation and lives in a castle somewhere.
Anyway, phone purses are handy. If you have one you don’t have to put your bulky seven inch phones in your back pocket and risk breaking it. A practical and stylish gift for your panda lover recipient.
Panda Journal
A common mismatch occurs between the expectation of givers and those of the recipients. Givers focus on the moment of exchange and want to impress and surprise them and recipients want something practical that reflects their personal interests.
If your panda loving recipient is a student, writer or just like keeping journals they’ll love this panda notebook.
Optimistic Panda Poster
Everyone procrastinates once in a while, some more than others. Missed deadlines, truckload of pending tasks and unmet goals can be discouraging. Research suggests that procrastinating, when not overdone, is essential for creative breakthroughs. After all, the ideas that pop up first in your mind are seldom the best ones.
Gift your procrastinator friend this and tell them their habit of delaying important tasks is a positive thing.
This panda poster will cheer them up and get them working whenever they see it and they’ll be grateful.
Panda Bear Plant Pot
I’ll admit, this panda pot looks more like a lazy, harmless Pokemon, but you won’t find a better gift for a panda lover who is passionate about gardening. When two of our interests meet in a single object, it has much more impact than a thing related to a single interest.
This will make an impressive gift for someone who has a garden and likes pandas. They’ll like this one the best out of any other gifts on the list.
Art of The Panda
Inner peace is something that we have to actively be mindful of. Yoga teachers preach the benefits of meditation and positive affirmations to take care of the soul.
This set of affirmation cards help you maintain your optimism and take on life with a positive attitude. A thoughtful gift that’ll help your recipient be more peaceful and happy.
Panda Stationary Set
If your recipient is of the legal driving age then look for something else. Don’t go on giving this stuff to the adults, well, unless they’re just overgrown babies who still watch cartoons and think the world is fair. This panda stationery set will make a fine gift for schoolgirls who love pandas. That is unless they’ve reached that age where they become mean. They’ll hate it if you’re the one that brought them to this world. There’s nothing you can do about it.
If you don’t meet the conditions above, they’ll like it and they’ll use it. Who can say no to pandas in a pouch.
Panda Themed Night Light
Night lights are cool. The right kind of night light can make your room look cinematic. The fainter light makes everything look less ugly and harsh.
Recipients love gifts that they can get ownership value out of, they want practical things. They also prefer things that reflect their interests. For someone who likes pandas this night light checks those boxes.
Wooden Panda Dolls
If you want to find an ideal gift for a person just pay attention to details from their lives. The clothes they wear, the people they hang out with, their rooms and more. Say it’s for someone who likes to be surrounded by beauty and loves decorating their home. It will be full of handpicked decors.
These panda wooden dolls will only beautify the place even more and they’ll appreciate this as a present. And if they like pandas you have a double impact gift that they’ll be impressed with.
Panda Squishies
Life can be stressful, figuring out the right way to live has been something not even the biggest philosophers have been able to nail down (Look at how Neistche ended up.) Even Tony Soprano ended up going to a therapist when he couldn’t handle the stress. I’m not saying your recipient has got to be a mob boss who gets panic attacks, but for a panda loving civilian with occasional bouts of stress this will make a fine gift.
Anyway, pandas are cute and girls want to cuddle them to death, which they can’t obviously because of the risk of being mauled by one who isn’t welcome to embrace and also the fact that they’ll have to go to China to do it.
So, on the practical side, this will do. Gift them a couple or more if you want.
Panda Bookmarks
If your recipient is a reader passionate about books and can’t leave without a couple of books every time they step into a bookstore, they will like this. Readers don’t mind getting bookmarks as gifts, especially creative ones like these.
In this set you’ll get four Chinese bookmarks made out of real natural veins of leaves. They look cool and are much more interesting than your regular bookmarks. I’m sure your panda loving friend will love this.
Panda Chopsticks
Everyone uses spoons and forks. They’re so boring and routine. I’ve seen people try to eat a pizza with a fork. People in the west can’t live without their cutlery.
Sometimes it’s fun to switch things up and keep your brain muscles from stagnating. Trying to use chopsticks to eat can be a challenge but you get used to it after a while.
If your panda admiring recipient is fond of Japanese culture and is a fan of sushi, this panda themed chopstick set may be an ideal gift for them.
Talking Panda Toy
We humans love people who are like us. It’s the law of conformity. We find someone who conforms to our opinions charming. It has its applications in the functioning of human societies. Imagine cavemen fighting over their choice of bird sounds when they are supposed to be out co-ordinating on a hunt.
This panda mimics whatever you say, he wants to be loved and for people to treat him like a human. This will make an amusing gift for your panda obsessed friend or anyone else for that matter. And a reason for lots of laughs. It’s fun.
Panda Pattern Scarf
Scarfs can make lovable gifts when picked considering a recipient’s sense of style.
A panda lover with a flair for new trends and who isn’t scared to take fashion risks will welcome this panda scarf with a wide open neck. It’s cool, stylish and a great fit for anyone who likes pandas to express their love for the creature.
Funny Panda Mug
Previously I said that mugs are out of fashion and you should not think about gifting mugs with the exception of ones that are creative and funny. This one passes the test. It’s hilariously amusing and any lover of pandas will love to have it.
As long as they have a decent sense of humor and haven’t boycotted coffee this will make a fine gift. For anyone who loves both pandas and coffee, it will have a double impact. The best targets for this gift.
Panda Face Wine Glass
Here’s something for the wine drinking panda fans so that they can enjoy their lovely wine with a bit of a twist. This panda wine glass is ideal for young people but will make a charming gift for anyone. Who wouldn’t want to spice up their wine drinking habits with a bit of panda charm.
Don’t give these to people who don’t drink wine, gift them a cool coffee mug instead.
Panda Stuffed Bean Bag
Multipurpose things make likable gifts because they’re practical and solve more than one problem for the user. All inventions are the outcome of someone trying to solve a problem. And if you gift them something that makes their lives easier, they’ll appreciate it.
This panda toy storage can be used to store things like a bag and can also be used as a bean bag for the kids to sit on. It also looks great so you don’t have to hide it in a closet. Gift this if you have a kid who likes pandas or parents with panda loving kids.
Panda Lamp
What panda themed gift list would be complete without a beautifying panda lamp with changing colors? Gadgets, when they are novel, make amusing gifts because they’re fun to explore.
It’s also available in other animal themes like owl, dinosaur, tiger and more. This lamp will make a fun, likable gift for any panda loving kid or adult. It’s a cool, flashy toy that people would love to own the moment they find out it exists.
Panda Glasses Holder
I’ve known a bunch of people who have the habit of misplacing their glasses and spending a lot of time searching for them. Maybe it’s just inattention or bad habits but the problem exists.
Thanks to capitalism and its ability to push innovation, you can have this glasses holder to have a place for your glasses.
If your recipient is a forgetful panda lover they’ll find this gift very useful.
Panda Teddy
Sometimes you’ve got to go back to the basics. In simplicity lies the greatest mastery. The simplest gifts are sometimes the most effective ones. Teddy bears have been the undisputed favorites of teenage girls all over this planet. It’s a trend that’ll never go out.
They’re soft, cuddly and make great silent companions. For those girls who prefer pandas over regular bears, this ping panda plush will make a fine gift.
Panda Philosophy Poster
Funny things make memorable gifts. A gift of humor can sometimes be more effective than any humorless but more practical gift you can find.
This panda poster will make them laugh or at least smile every time they see it. Not a bad way to associate your image to happiness in their mind.
Swearing Pandas Adult Color Book
It would be somewhat inappropriate to gift this panda swearing book to a child. Don’t gift this to someone who isn’t of driving age unless you’re one of those trolls who just loves to watch the world burn.
For an adult who is fascinated by pandas this will make a delightful gift. Maybe they’ll use it to distract themselves from the hollowness they feel when they remember that they can’t have a pet panda.
Panda Alarm Clock
Even though alarm clocks are going extinct there still is some utility to owning them. You can set an alarm on your phone but phones are distracting and easy to ignore.
Things designed for a specific task are more likely to help you get the job done than things that can do a million things.
Now I don’t want you to pass on this lecture on the benefits of alarms to your recipient. They’ll just be happy with the panda face on it.
Panda Music Box
There’s a certain charm to music boxes that no digital device will be able to replace. It’s always romantic when someone gifts one to their lover. Maybe it’s because of the Hollywood scenes that made them famous or maybe it’s the music it produces that makes it memorable and special.
This panda themed music box is a perfect gift for a romantic partner who loves pandas. You can also gift it to a close friend. It’s not ideal for someone you’re not close to because with such relations there’s lack of emotions and memories that make this gift work.
Panda Wax Melter
You know civilization has come very far when it comes to progress (At least in the west) when you can find a huge variety of wax melters and have them delivered to your doorstep. I think that is a mark of achievement unique in our history.
This panda themed wax melter is appropriate for any upper middle class woman from the suburbs who likes pandas. Not many people use a wax melter so stick to the demographics.
Panda Push Popper Toy
I don’t know what’s the deal with people liking to pop things but many do enjoy it. They seem to get some satisfaction out of the process. Maybe it’s the same reason we’re all addicted to the notification sounds that we get on our phones.
The popping toys also seem to help with reducing stress. This panda shaped push popper is a great gift for any anxious kid or adult who is into pandas. It may be a useful gift for a parent. A customer that bought this commented that they gifted this to their child and that made him use his phone less.